Did you know that over half of adults working in the UK do not take their lunchtime break in full?1
Though we may think we have some great excuses for skipping our breaks, we really couldn’t be more mistaken! In truth, a decent breaktime can do wonders for you and your team in more ways than you’d expect.
Don’t believe us? Buckle up, it’s time to find out if taking a proper break is really all it’s cracked up to be (spoiler alert: it definitely is!) …
UPDATE: 2024
A study in December 2023 of over 10,000 employees across multiple countries, including the UK, highlights the impact of taking breaks. Regular breaks lead to 13% higher productivity. It also results in 62% higher work-life balance7. A licenced Professional Counsellor recommends advocating breaks every 3 hours to maximise productivity, whilst reducing burnout.
So, let’s start with the facts. It may shock you to know that 41% of the global workforce is likely to consider leaving their current employer within the next year.2 With 148% more meetings and 40.6B more emails being sent in February 2021 vs February 2020, it’s easy to see why…2 So with 2 out of 5 of us likely to look around, how do you keep the talented individuals you’ve worked so hard to recruit and reduce staff turnover?
A whopping 79% of British adults in employment regularly experience work-related stress.3 That’s an awful lot of us, so how do we help? The simple act of taking your full lunchbreak or stopping by the office coffee machine for five minutes can help reset your mood and aid relaxation.4 It’s time to place your team’s wellbeing centre stage and put breaktimes back on the agenda!
But surely taking a break means less time spent working? That may be true, but when it comes to work quality certainly trumps quantity. In fact, those who take regular breaks are more productive than their lunch-skipping colleagues.5 Consider that myth busted! Coffee break, anyone?
Are you finding your creative juices just aren’t flowing? It’s time for a break! By taking the time to recharge your batteries, it gives your brain a chance to develop your creative ideas and think of new solutions to problems.6 So head on over to the hot drinks machine, that coffee won’t make itself!
Taking a coffee break doesn’t just help you, but your wider team too! Having a well-deserved break with your colleagues or catching up by the hot drinks machine is an important part of developing workplace friendships.7 And with employees who have a best friend at work being more engaged and satisfied with their job among other benefits, what’s not to love?8
Convinced yet? We thought so! At Lavazza Professional we believe everyone deserves a decent breaktime. Get in touch today to find out how to create the best breaktimes for your team with the perfect hot drinks machines. Transform your coffee breaks with the convenience and quality of a bean-to-cup coffee machine.