With the 21st June fast approaching, many of us have begun the countdown until the office doors open once more to welcome us back! After over a year of home working, many of us are missing all aspects of the office from friendly faces to their favourite coffee from the hot drinks machine. But what have we missed since the coronavirus pandemic began? Here are five reasons we can’t wait to go back:


Sure, they may speak a little too loudly on the phone and they did bring in fish for lunch that one time, but a massive 66% of us have missed our co-workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.1 Whether you’re missing the office gossip, the office coffee machine chats or just looking to pick their brain, the absence of our co-workers has certainly left a void in the working day. With almost a quarter of adults feeling lonely in the past two weeks, many of us will be counting down the days to be reunited with our colleagues.


While you may not be pining after your boss’ jokes particularly, 46% of us are missing the inevitable banter the office brings.2 Good-natured joking between colleagues goes a long way when it comes to building relationships with our co-workers, reduces stress and it can even help us work better together.3 With the clock ticking for the return to work, your team will soon start feeling like a proper team again!


Picture the scene: the team sat around a post-it note covered table, favourite coffees in hand, marker pens at the ready, bouncing the next big idea off one another. We’re smiling just thinking about it! Though many of us adopted virtual meetings throughout the pandemic, sometimes you just can’t beat the collaboration an office environment brings and a whopping 49% of us are missing the face-to-face time with our team.5 And the best part is: no more mute buttons!


Hear us out! While it may seem a little ironic that we’re looking forward to leaving the office before we’ve even gone back to it, there is logic behind the madness! With so many of us working from home the past year, the lines between work and leisure time have becoming increasingly blurred. With workers in the UK clocking up more hours working from home than they did in the office, returning to the office may well be the routine we need to get our work-life balance back in check!4environment brings and a whopping 49% of us are missing the face-to-face time with our team.5 And the best part is: no more mute buttons!


With 82% of us agreeing that coffee puts us in a better mood at work, a good cup of coffee goes a long way!6 Not looking forward to the same old office coffee machine? With the return to work imminent, your team deserve a great tasting cup of coffee, let us help you find a hot drinks machine with a difference to welcome you back in style! Contact us today to find out which machine is right for you.

To make the return to work even better, explore how a bean-to-cup coffee machine can elevate your office experience by visiting Lavazza’s bean-to-cup coffee machines.